HS2 Colne Valley Viaduct
Hertfordshire, UK
Project synopsis
Design services and efficient temporary works solutions for the substantial 3.8km HS2 Colne Valley Viaduct construction.
Align JV
End client
Tony Gee provided and applied value engineered and design solutions across various aspects for the 3.8km HS2 Colne Valley Viaduct project based in Hertfordshire

Tony Gee carried out design services for the substantial 3.8km HS2 Colne Valley Viaduct construction in an environmentally sensitive Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) locality with complex ground conditions. Designs were carried out on the access roads, jetties & approaches (including pile design), pier cofferdams (land & lake), working platforms and site drainage.
Close collaboration with the contractor incorporating contractors preferred construction methodology to temporary works designs, providing real time efficiencies and cost reductions to permanent works construction. Valued, cost-efficient solutions were applied in which minimising impact on surrounding woodland and habitats were a key consideration. These included:
• Value engineered modular jetty solution with precast deck sections minimising materials, construction times and environmental impact. Designed for ease of sustainable de-construction and recycling.
• Integrated and cost-efficient water and land-based access road and working platforms solution which mitigated environmental impacts within the SSSI and minimised whole life carbon costs
• Jetty pile design within water bearing chalk that minimised pile length and provided aquifer mitigations
• Fully integrated and cost-effective drainage solutions including attenuation ponds, treatment units and controlled discharge to prevent contamination of numerous localised watercourses and lakes.