Lochay 132kV Substation

Scotland, UK

Project synopsis

Civil and structural detailed design for the construction of a new 132kV substation adjacent to the site of the existing hydroelectric power station. Collaborative working with SSE multidisciplinary team as well as our own supply chain for both architectural and M&E services.


Global Infrastructure

End client


Tony Gee provided detailed civil and structural design of the proposed development which comprised of a 50m long x 5m wide steel portal frame building clad in a combination of composite panels and masonry.

Tony Gee provided detailed civil and structural design of the proposed development which comprised of a 50m long x 5m wide steel portal frame building clad in a combination of composite panels and masonry. In addition to the building there were 2No. reinforced concrete transformer bunds and external works including both foul and surface water drainage designs.

During the initial contractor involvement phase, Tony Gee provided the platform design, earthworks and main drainage diversion. We were responsible for the architectural elements as well as the low voltage M&E elements of the project through our supply chain partners.

The foundations were reinforced concrete consisting of three split levels including an area of 750mm high suspended floor and a 2.1m deep basement. External works design included the platform finishes, highways designs, fencing and kerb details amongst other items. As part of the scheme, a surface water and foul water drainage design were completed; co-ordination with stakeholders took place to gain the relevant consents required for discharge.

Tony Gee designed the 2No. matching transformer bunds (including oily water drainage) consisting of a general transformer bund and a ET/MT transformer bund. The project was modelled in 3D using Revit and fully co-ordinated with the various disciplines involved in the project including the HV electrical designer to ensure a complete and co-ordinated solution.