Is your Solar Renewables Project Ready to Build?
This is an exciting time for the UK renewables market. The race to achieve the new, ambitious pledge to net zero electricity supply by 2030 is on and it is something that Tony Gee is fully behind.
To achieve this goal, political and industry leaders will clearly need to step up a level and deliver on an exponentially greater scale than in the history of the renewables market in the UK. Tony Gee is well placed and ready to support this challenge.
Very recently, since the formation of the new administration, we have seen three new major solar Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) sites granted permission through the Development Consent Order (DCO) process. Gate Barton, Mallard Pass and Sunnica are extremely extensive sites and add to the capacity of the single solar site of similar scale previously consented at Longfield.
The pace of these new consents has caused a ripple across the industry against a backdrop of over stretched planning departments and central government resources. How can the industry respond to this and ease the burden? Further doubt runs through the industry about capacity to undertake the detailed design and delivery of such projects alongside massive workload created by the grid upgrades currently also running through the process.
This is where Tony Gee excel, having worked at the ‘sharp end’ of design projects throughout our 50-year history. More recently we have broadened our capability and can now boast excellent experience of the civil engineering elements of NSIP projects, pre and post DCO, in order to drive efficient delivery and understand the significance of decisions made through the planning process.
We appreciate the complexities, constraints and political decisions that need to be made through the planning process of these projects. Through current process there is a danger that the engineering underpinning the eventual delivery of these projects can get lost. We work hard to ensure this risk is minimised. We help clients to focus on the engineering matters that have potential to impact on cost and programme at delivery stage and then support the teams as these vital projects are delivered.
We’re always happy to discuss how we can help with such projects, both pre and post planning, to avoid unnecessary and costly engineering solutions or even having to re-visit the planning process post consent.
Whatever the challenges are, Tony Gee is ready.